Sunday 16 March 2014

Foxy Brown (1974)

I would probably have liked this movie more if I'd seen it before Coffy. It's a sleazy, tacky bit of blaxploitation starring the dependable Pam Grier and providing the required mix of violence, nudity, 'street lingo' and jive-ass threads to hit all those 70s grindhouse beats.

Unfortunately for Foxy Brown, however, I have seen Coffy. I suspect this was also true of most people who saw this movie when it was first released. It hit cinemas a year after the other film, and presents us with a very similar premise. Coffy had Grier as a woman who sets out to take down the dealers who put her sister and her friend in the hospital. She does this by impersonating a call girl to infiltrate their organisation. Foxy Brown has Grier as a woman who sets out to take down the dealers who killed her boyfriend. She does this by impersonating a call girl to infil ... well, you get the point.

Alas, Foxy isn't just an imitation of Coffy, it's an inferior one. The script is weaker, the action scenes clumsier, and the wardrobe - while impressive - not a match for the sartorial silliness of Coffy's 'King George'.

I mean, if you're in the mood for a sleazy bit of 70s nonsense, this isn't a terrible way to spend an hour and a half. But if you have Coffy to hand, watch that instead.

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