Tuesday 27 August 2019

Sanctuary, Season 1 (2008)

Will Zimmerman is a gifted young forensic pathologist whose career has suffered due to his willingness to ask difficult questions ... and to consider outre, fantastical answers.

In the real world, he'd just be a gifted guy with a bit of a loose screw, but this is a TV show.  So when the mysterious Dr Helen Magnus first accidentally knocks him down with her car, then offers him a job, it should be no surprise that it's because the world is filled with strange and bizarre creatures that humanity has somehow contrived to never acknowledge ... despite in at least one waging an extended and active war to exterminate a whole species.

So yeah, it's a modern fantasy series, with werewolves and mermaids and vampires - and other, less traditional critters - lurking in the shadows.  Some are malevolent, some instinctively destructive, and some just want to be left alone.  In his new job at "The Sanctuary", it will be Zimmerman's role to help Dr Magnus and her compatriots to find these "Abnormals" and capture or protect them, as is most appropriate for their circumstances.  All while of course staying off the radar of the authorities or the wider populace.  Though frankly, given the wilful and deliberate ignorance it would take for humanity to not know about some of these beasties, I feel like that last task won't be as hard as it ought to be.

So how is Sanctuary?  Well ... it's okay.  I remember enjoying it at the time it was coming out, even as I was aware of its flaws.  The thing is, genre TV has evolved in leaps and bounds in the decade since it came out, and it's frankly rather been left behind.  I don't think there is much point tracking it down these days, unless you've somehow managed to exhaust the fountain of good new stuff.

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