Tuesday 6 August 2019

Eureka, Season 2 (2007)

With four years of future memories at his disposal, Jack Carter thinks he's going to be on easy street for a while.  Of course, he's underestimated just how complicated life can be when you're the Sheriff of a town full of mad scientists.  It won't be long before the town called Eureka is throwing him curve balls he never expected.

Yep, Eureka is back with another thirteen episodes about the weird and wacky dangers that arise when you're a secret government think tank in a TV show.  Honestly, if it weren't for the fact that science almost always saves the day, this would come across as quite the Luddite program, since it is inevitably science that puts the day in danger to begin with.

So how is it?  Well, the cast remain likable and the writers are good with the pithy banter, so it's usually pretty light and breezy and easy to watch.  The scripts sometimes tend to sloppiness in the details, though.  And I don't mean "that's not how particle physics works" - I wouldn't know, and I expect a measure of fast and loose with science.  I'm talking about the more prosaic stuff.  The sudden religious fervor of characters in the episode "God Is In The Details" doesn't make a lot of sense for people who experience a near apocalypse every couple of weeks, for instance, and it probably doesn't pay too think too closely about the decisions Henry makes in the season finale.  I'm reminded of Leverage in this regard, as that was also a show that relied on charm to paper over the cracks in the content (though Leverage was worse about it, I think).

Overall though, if you want some lightweight SF-themed entertainment, Eureka still delivers.

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