Wednesday 10 October 2018

Wreckage (2010)

Four friends get stuck miles out of town when their car blows a gasket during a drag race.  Rather than hike all the way home, they decide to check out a much nearer junk yard for parts.  And as you might have surmised from the DVD cover, from there things go horribly, gorily wrong from there for them, and for their would be rescuers.

Wholly structural messes, Batman!  This film is an organisational schimozzle.  First off, it's got not just one but two prologues, the first of which pretty much spoils the identity of the killer and the second of which has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the film.  And which, given the whole thing is only 83 minutes, smacks of a desperate attempt to pad out the run time.

Then there's the secondary characters.  Even excepting those from the second prologue, who are never seen again, an awful lot of minor roles in this film kind of show up, engage just enough to make it seem like they're relevant to what's going on, and then completely vanish from proceedings without any kind of resolution.  A few do stick around to dutifully get killed off, which let's face it is the main point of secondary characters in a slasher film, but there's an unusually high proportion of walk-on roles that also walk off alive.  Maybe they ran out of fake blood on set, or something.

This is a decidedly mediocre and messy film that wastes a better-than-average for this sort of thing cast and a potentially interesting slasher location on a whole lot of nothing much.  You'd be far better off re-watching Cold Prey, Halloween or Friday the 13th for the Nth time than bothering with this.

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