Wednesday 24 October 2018

An American Werewolf in London (1981)

Jack and David are a pair of American students on vacation in the north of England.  One cold night they seek shelter in a village pub, only to find the locals distinctly unwelcome.  They are forced on with only "stay off the moors" to guide them.

This being a film, they fail to heed the warnings they're given and end up snack chow for a fierce beast.  Jack is killed, but David survives thanks to the villagers having a change of heart and killing the beast.

Three weeks later, he wakes up in London, being tended to by a pretty young nurse.  If only he could shake these terrible nightmares ...

An American Werewolf in London is a film with a number of memorable scenes, especially some of David's dreams.  On the other hand, it's definitely not one where you should think about the specific plot points too closely.  The villagers, in particular, act in ways that the plot requires rather than in ways that make much sense.  Also, the ending is a bit flat.  The Howling, which came out at a similar time, nails a similar climax much more strongly, to my mind.

Still, if you're up for a slightly comedic but still sometimes scary werewolf movie, and you don't mind that there's an indulgent moment or two along the way (John Landis, who wrote and directed this, also did The Blues Brothers, and this film will remind you of that), then this is worth your time.

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