Friday 12 October 2018

A Christmas Tale (2005)

This is going to be a very spoilery review.  You have been warned.

It is 1985.  Five kids find a woman who has fallen into a pit, in the woods outside their town.  At first they intend to help her, but then they learn she's a bank robber.  She has two million pesetas stashed somewhere, and as far as they're concerned, she's not getting out of that pit until she tells them where it is.

Of course, sooner or later she is going to get out of the pit, even if she has to die first to do it ...

So the real problem with this film is its insistence on being a zombie film.  If it was just the world's most messed up version of The Goonies, I'd actually give it a qualified recommendation.  And I didn't even particularly like The Goonies when I saw it (it's on the 'to be re-watched one day' list to see if it was mediocre as I thought it at the time).

Now if you turn the film off about five minutes before its actual end, basically right after the 'fist pump' moment (you'll know it if you see it) then you can actually enjoy the film on that basis, and forget the badly integrated zombie angle.  I mean, the movie would be better still if it was wholly "realistic" and jettisoned the zombie angle entirely in favour of "homicidally angry criminal chases resourceful but kind of nasty kids around a fun park", but I'd have been much more positive about it.  Alas, the actual conclusion robs the film of a lot of its (admittedly oddball) entertainment value.

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