Tuesday 10 November 2020

Warehouse 13, Season 3 (2011)

At the end of last season, the Warehouse 13 team saved the world again, but the emotional and personal cost has been high, leaving them down an agent and strained for resources.  The 'regents' who run the warehouse are working to find a new operative to relieve theses issues, while the team prefers to hope for the return of their former colleague.

These matters and their outcomes will soon need to take a backseat, however, as - much like in season one - it emerges that there is a new threat to the very existence of the warehouse itself.  Someone has formed a conspiracy to not just steal the artefacts the warehouse was formed to preserve and control (a reminder: artefacts are items and objects that have developed uncanny powers from their association with famous/notorious people), but is kidnapping, interrogating and killing regents to do it.

This third season of Warehouse 13 is a bit of a mixed bag.  On the one hand, it does a pretty good job at introducing a new member to the team/cast - not always easy - and most of the individual episode plots are decent, with some fun artefact shenanigans.  On the other hand, there's the "shadowy conspiracy" season arc, which is rather a misfire.  The bad guy's motives are not unreasonable, which is good, but he's simply not very compelling and the specifics of the plot arc rely an awful lot on the warehouse bosses juggling a heck of a lot of idiot balls.  Bad guys should not (nearly) win because the good guys were dumb.

Overall, if you're into Warehouse 13, this season probably delivers enough entertainment that you won't be turned off; but if you aren't a fan, it's definitely not going to change your mind.

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