Tuesday 3 November 2020

The Last Ship, Season 2 (2015)

The crew of the USS Nathan James would be forgiven for thinking that once they found a cure for the lethal pandemic known as the "Red Flu", the hard part of their job would be over. But of course they would be wrong. It soon emerges that major threats to their success still remain, whether it be those who want to ensure that only the 'right sort of people' get the cure, or those who are immune to the disease and would really rather let everyone else die so they can inherit the Earth.

Naturally, thwarting all these evil-doers becomes the responsibility of our intrepid crew (though they do get some help from a few new faces that join up this season).

I was not terribly impressed by the first season of this show. It was very bog-standard TV action stuff, with cartoonishly evil bad guys and blandly heroic good guys duking it out in not especially interesting or innovative ways, compounded by some unfortunate casting choices.

All of those issues are honestly still present here in this second season.  It even adds a new flaw by blithely hiking up the rate of immunity to the Red Flu to levels that make the whole premise of the first season seem rather far-fetched. 

Despite all that, however, it is a bit more engaging overall, and even has a little more ambiguity to it.  It probably also didn't hurt my enjoyment that they wrapped up the wince-inducingly ill-advised season 1 cliffhanger in only 2 or 3 episodes and never mentioned it again.  Honestly, had the first season been of this standard, I'd probably have given both a (very) qualified recommendation.  As it is though, the improvement here is not enough to make me say "sticking with it through the rough start is worth it".

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