Thursday 17 October 2019

Murderdrome (2013)

Cherry Skye just wants to play roller derby and maybe date this guy named Brad.  Quite what's so appealing about Brad is a mystery to me, but apparently Cherry's not the only one to see it.  His ex, despite being the one who ended their relationship, is determined to prevent anything happening between him and Cherry.

Naturally, said ex is also a roller derby rival of Cherry's, and somehow their romantic and professional rivalry attracts the attention of a demonic spirit that's determined to snare Cherry's soul ... though not before murdering everyone else who has appeared in the film.

I very much enjoyed writer-director Daniel Armstrong's Sheborg Massacre, and picked up this earlier effort off the back of that enjoyment.  Alas, Murderdrome is a much less effective film.  The script's a muddle, the characters paper thin, and the acting generally is merely bad, as opposed to the deliberately bombastic and over the top performances of the more recent film.  Heck, even on a technical level it's wanting: this has the worst audio I've (not) heard on a film since Invasion of the Pod People.

At the end of the day, this just doesn't have the energy or anarchic sense of fun that it really needed.  Fortunately, Mr Armstrong seems to have got better at capturing those qualities since this was made, so I am still interested to see his next effort.

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