Friday 27 July 2018

Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2 (2017)

Saving the galaxy has opened up a bunch of exciting new job opportunities for Star Lord and his team, albeit mostly opportunities of the "please kill this hideous monster" variety.  Unfortunately, pursuing those opportunities has also given time for some cracks to appear in the team.  There's the awkwardness of the unspoken sexual tension between Star Lord and Gamora.  There's Rocket's continuing efforts to big note himself and keep the others at emotional arm's length by being a bit of  a jerk.  There's Star Lord's former boss and erstwhile father figure Yondu being hired to capture him. And we haven't even mentioned Gamora's homicidal sister Nebula, or the possibility of Star Lord's bio-dad suddenly showing up after 34 years of silence.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 delivers a fresh salvo of everything that made the first film such a good time: fast-paced SF action; even faster paced comedic banter; a thoroughly charming cast - both real people and CGI ones - and a stonking soundtrack of retro music hits.  It's not a flawless film, mind you.  There are a couple of scenes it drew out a little longer than I thought necessary, and it relied a bit too long on clearly secondary enemies before finally dropping the hammer on its real big bad.  But these flaws are pretty easy to overlook with a movie that's this fun and entertaining.  And on the plus side, the true villain of the piece feels a lot more significant and relevant than whatever-his-name-was* from the first film.

* I am actually enough of a comic book nerd to know that his name was Ronan the Accuser, but I'm betting the average casual MCU fan wouldn't remember, and I wouldn't blame them.

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