Friday 11 June 2021

Future World (2018)

Breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence and robotics lead to the creation of synthetic life that is all but indistinguishable from humanity itself (except, of course, for how tough they are). For reasons not important to this film, that somehow leads to an apocalyptic global war.

In the inevitable wasteland world that follows, modern technology is all but unknown.  Even guns are mostly useless, with ammunition all but impossible to find.  Despite this, a bandit warlord somehow finds not only a deactivated but still functional female android, but also the equipment and the knowledge to reactivate her as his secret cybernetic weapon.

Meanwhile, a young man sets out from his hidden and benign home community.  His mission is to acquire medicine for his dying mother; medicine he believes can be found at a place named 'Paradise Beach'.  Accompanying him are two friends, one of whom owns a pistol for which they still have a few rounds of ammunition.

Naturally, these two groups are going to collide.

First things first, I did not go into this movie expecting it to be good.  I did however hope for some schlocky, goofy action.  I mean, given the recognisable names in the cast there must have been something to the script, right?

I can only assume that that 'something' must have been 'writers with blackmail material', because this is a dour, mean-spirited and ultimately quite boring film, in the worst style of the many cheapie 1980s knock-offs of The Road Warrior.  The only time things get even remotely entertaining is when Milla Jovavich wanders on-screen and proceeds to not just chew the scenery but butcher and gobble it in massive chunks.

So yeah, the best thing about this movie is the one cast member who is clearly aware of how bad it is.

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