Tuesday 16 February 2021

Warehouse 13, Season 5 (2014)

After five years of hunting artefacts with strange and dangerous powers, the Warehouse 13 team rolls into this final season facing - yet again - the destruction of everything they have worked to preserve.  I wonder if they will manage to eke out a win from this apparently hopeless situation?

Well, of course they will, or season five would be even shorter than it actually is.  Because after the 50%-longer-than-normal season four, this final series is only half the length of the others, with a paltry six episodes.  Apparently this was the result of falling ratings after the show was shifted to a later timeslot, though I do wonder if the ratings had started to slip anyway: season four was a bit of a slog at times.

This season on the other hand, isn't long enough to become a slog.  That's not to say that the shortened run doesn't create other problems, of course.  There's definitely a strong tonal whiplash as the show goes from start-of-season-crisis to two episodes that are utterly goofy to end-of-season-crisis without any kind of buffer between them.  It all feels very rushed.

Also feeling very rushed is the entirely unnecessary and frankly rather disappointing romantic pairing of two characters.  Seriously, if your only plan for having a couple form is to have everyone keep telling them they're in love with each other until they give up and agree, maybe just don't go that route?

Despite these issues, this last hurrah from the Warehouse team is generally low key fun, and if you've stuck with it this long, I don't see any major reason not to follow it to the end.

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