Friday 1 January 2021

Pride and Prejudice (1940)

Look, I'll be blunt: this is the seventh time I've reviewed a film or TV adaptation of Pride & Prejudice.  If you still aren't familiar with the whole "girl meets bot, girl thinks boy is a bit of a jerk, but ultimately boy turns out to not be all that bad after all" love story by now, then go read one of those previous entries.  Or just go watch either The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (legally available on Youtube) or the BBC's renowned 1995 adaptation.

Or, for that matter, you could watch this film.  Because it's a fun little page-to-screen translation.  Certainly it's less faithful than the beloved 1995 mini-series, shifting the setting by 20 years, adding wholly new scenes, and significantly changing the role of Lady de Bourgh, but it's plenty entertaining for all that, and it is also only about one third as long.  Much easier to watch in a single afternoon or evening!

I'm something of a Pride and Prejudice tragic, as the whole "seven reviews" thing might give away, but I feel pretty safe in recommending this for anyone who wants a gently amusing, feel-good romance, and doesn't mind the absence of technicolour.

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