Friday 4 December 2020

The Flash, Season 2 (2015)


Barry Allen and his friends managed to thwart the machinations of Eobard Thawne, but in doing so they inadvertently opened a series of rifts that lead to a parallel Earth.  The team quickly dubs this other reality "Earth-2" (not a nomenclature the people of that world particularly appreciate, as you might imagine).  This parallel world is similar but not quite the same as their own: the same people often exist, but they have different jobs and personalities, and there's a whole new batch of metahumans there.

In and of itself, contact with another world is not necessarily a bad thing.  Unfortunately, Earth-2 is home to a psychotic super-speedster named Zoom, who has terrorised his world for years and fully intends to do the same to "Earth-1" ... right after he's done murdering The Flash, of course.

Faced with an enemy whose speed far out-strips his own, and who commands a menagerie of supervillain minions, can Barry and his friends even survive, let alone triumph?

I'm a sucker for alternate reality stories, so I am pretty much the target audience for an Earth-2 type storyline, but this season of The Flash didn't quite work for me.  I certainly don't think it is up to the standard of the first.  It's a bit too po-faced grim for much of the time, and several of the elements of the season-long arc are too reminiscent of what we saw in the previous series.  It's still a decently entertaining superhero show, mind you, and I intend to keep watching, but it's definitely a qualified recommendation.

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