Tuesday 30 June 2020

Eureka, Season 4 (2010)

Dangerous situations are part and parcel of life in Eureka, what with it being a think tank for cutting edge scientific experimentation, but after three seasons of that, even 'we might all be about to die' can seem a bit stale.  So kudos to the Eureka writers team for varying up the formula a little at the start of this series.  Sure, the main cast 'save the day', but the season's tagline of "The Equation Has Changed" is a deserved one, with some interesting shake-ups in several key character relationships and dynamics ... while still remaining recognisably the same show.  Nice work.

I'm not as enamoured of everything that happens in this season, it has to be said.  The individual episode scenarios are mostly solid enough (with "The Ex-Files" bneing particularly fun for long-term fans of the show), but the reintroduction of a conspiracy plotline that was mercifully absent from season three was definitely less welcome to me.  I've never much cared about the Consortium or its machinations, and the whole arc seems to rely pretty heavily on supposedly smart characters being rather dumb.

Fortunately, though the Consortium plays a fairly large role in several episodes (and will be back to stink up the place with ever-less-sensical schemes in the last season), there are plenty of instalments of the show that are entirely free of them, and you can just enjoy the capable and likeable cast doing their thing.

If you've enjoyed the first three seasons of Eureka, you should like this one too.

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