Tuesday 5 May 2020

The Middleman, Season 1 (2008)

Wendy Watson is a struggling young visual artist sharing an illegal sublet with her best friend (also a struggling young artist) and making ends meet through a succession of grindingly menial temp jobs.

Or at least, she is until an accident at AND Labs ("Re-scrambling Your DNA!") unleashes a monstrous tentacled Thing.  A mysterious stranger quickly appears to destroy the beast, but Wendy's calm and focused efforts to Stay Alive beforehand draws his attention.  You see, that mysterious stranger is the Middleman, who protects the world from the bizarre and the weird.  He is in need of a protege, and Wendy fits the bill.

Thus it is that Wendy finds herself in a world of trout-eating zombies, luchadore conspiracies, boy band alien invaders and other strangeness that seems like it is straight out of a comic book (which is fair enough, since that's what The Middleman started as).

I was a huge fan of this show when it came out, and was very disappointed when it ended after only one short season.  Not surprised, mind you: this is definitely a very quirky show and honestly it's probably harder to believe it got green-lit in the first place than that it didn't manage to attract a large audience.

On the re-watch, over ten years later, I'm a little bit less of a fan than I was then.  Sometimes that very quirkiness does seem a little forced, with episode 9 being a particular offender in that regard.  Also, I'm not sure that ironically calling out the way that your script is sexualising Wendy actually makes it okay that you're doing it.  Overall though, it is still a fun show with a distinctive identity and a great cast.  If you're at all into geek media, you should check it out.

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