Friday 8 November 2019

Ghost Shark 2: Urban Jaws (2015)

As Auckland prepares to host the 83rd International Water Convention, it finds itself haunted by the menace of the Ghost Shark: a supernatural predator capable of swimming through (and controlling) any form of water, whether it in be liquid, solid (ice) or gaseous (steam) form.  Fortunately, the city mayor is familiar with the danger this creature presents, and he instantly recognises the signs that one is on the loose, and brings in an expert Ghost Shark Hunter to try and stop it.

Ghost Shark 2: Urban Jaws began life as a fake trailer (obligatory warning: TV Tropes link).  After being posted to YouTube it was re-shared by several prominent websites, eventually generating enough interest that they decided to make an actual film.

This was probably a mistake.

Don't get me wrong, there are some laughs to be had here, in the po-faced, super-serious way that the characters treat farcical events like a man being murdered by his own pot of spaghetti sauce.  There's lots of jaw-clenching and thousand yard stares into the distance and earnest declarations of how terribly grim the situation is, while people are being killed by their kettles and toilets.

Trouble is, this one basic joke is basically all the movie has, and even with a scant 75 minute running time, it wears very thin well before the film is over.

My recommendation?  Just watch the faux trailer that started it all.

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