Friday 20 September 2019

Tomb Raider (2018)

Seven years ago, Lara Croft's businessman father disappeared.  The world has written him off, but his daughter refuses to do so, preferring to eke out a meagre living as a bike courier rather than sign the papers acknowledging his death and inherit a fortune.

Of course, there's a lot more to Daddy Croft's disappearance than just a business trip gone wrong, as his daughter begins to learn when she finally goes in to sign the paperwork and receives his final bequest.  Her father has left a recording with all kinds of wild speculation about the supernatural and an urgent plea that she destroy everything to do with "the Himiko Project".

Clearly, Daddy didn't know Lara very well.  Determined to find out the truth behind her father's urgent journey to the South China Sea, she ignores his request/instructions and instead sets out to trace his voyage.  As you might imagine, all sorts of wild adventures will ensue.

This is the third screen adaptation of the Tomb Raider series of games, and I believe draws fairly heavily from the 2013 reboot of that series.  Certainly there are scenes in the movie which are reminiscent of trailers I saw for the game.

So is it any good?  Well, it's fairly standard Indiana Jones-esque stuff on the whole, with ancient tombs and booby traps and stunt-filled fights with the evil goons that inevitably turn up in search of the same thing Daddy Croft was looking for.  I do know that the film certainly profits from the casting of Alicia Vikander in the main role, as she manages to imbue a real sense of scrappy pluck and never-say-die attitude to her Lara, despite the script rarely giving its own character beats much time to breathe.  Walton Goggins is fun as her principal adversary, too.

If you are looking for an action adventure tale to spend a couple of hours on, you could certainly do much worse.

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