Friday 12 July 2019

Fast & Furious (2009)

Some time after the events of the first two films in the franchise, but before those of Tokyo Drift, Dominic Toretto and his girlfriend Letty are boosting petrol tankers via crazy high speed hi-jinks (crazy high speed hi-jinks being the raison d'ĂȘtre of the entire series, after all).

Being a man and therefore stupid, Dom decides that as the authorities are really gunning for him, it is too dangerous for him and Letty to remain together, and walks out in the middle of the night. Surprise surprise, this backfires horribly, and Letty ends up dead (spoiler: she gets better in a later film).  Dom goes on the warpath to find her killers, who just happen to also be the criminal gang that Brian O'Conner is trying to catch.  Bromance and car chases will doubtless ensue.

Fast & Furious appears to be the point where the franchise creators started to accept that they were basically making superhero movies, only everyone's superpower is "fast cars".  It ramps the stunts up to 11 on a 1-10 scale (later movies will need entirely new scales) and goes all in on the pedal to the metal action.  And also on the booty, because the camera in this film sure does love it some lady butts.

This is a silly, schlocky movie with a paint by numbers main narrative, that is carried along by the casual charisma of the main cast and the frenetic pace of its action sequences.  And I'm perfectly okay with that.  If you're looking for some 'switch your brain off' easy action entertainment, Fast & Furious delivers in style.

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