Friday 8 February 2019

The Brotherhood (1968)

When a young American man arrives in Palermo, Frank Ginetta waits for him with a gun.  But it turns out the visitor is his younger brother, Vinnie, and therefore the newcomer is met with an embrace, rather than a bullet.

Frank's wife, on the other hand, seems suspicious of Vinnie's reasons for visiting, and perhaps she has a right to be, since there's a pistol hidden away in his luggage ...

From this point, the film leaps back to show why Frank is expecting someone to come looking to kill him, and why (and I don't think it is  much of a spoiler to say this, given the film's opening few scenes), it is Vinnie who must do it.

The Brotherhood was a significant box office failure, and I can't say I am all that surprised.  It is well-performed by a fine cast, but the characters aren't especially likable and the conflicts between them aren't really given sufficient context or clarity to make them compelling.  Or at least they certainly aren't at first, and once explanations are forthcoming, they feel a little too pat and manipulative.

If you're hankering for a gangster film, there are better options out there.

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