Tuesday 8 January 2019

Californication, Season 2 (2008)

Hank Moody's finally won back the woman he loves.  But well, Hank wouldn't be Hank if he wasn't making bad choices and generally fouling up his own life, so this blissful domesticity isn't likely to be long for the world.

Not that Hank is exactly alone in the self-destructive stakes, as his friends variously lose their jobs, shack up with a fraudster, snort half of California's entire drug supply, and otherwise succumb to most of the temptations thrown their way.

Basically, what I'm saying is that if you got rid of the parts of Californication that are about people making really bad decisions, you might basically have a minute or two of each episode left over.

Fortunately, the show contrives to keep(most) of its characters on the line between sufficiently-flawed-to-screw-up-this-much and sufficiently-likable-that-you-keep-hoping-they-won't.  Whether that balancing act can be carried over for the entire run of the show, I'm not sure.  I guess we will see.

If you don't mind your comedy a bit on the crass side, Californication might be for you.  It's not as clever as it thinks it is, but it's an easy watch.

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