Tuesday 18 December 2018

Dick Turpin, Season 4 (1982)

Dick Turpin and his occasionally bumbling sidekick Swiftnick are back for another series of adventures that whitewash the real life highwayman as a Robin Hood-esque figure who only ever robs from the rich, and who would never harm a woman or a child.  It's all very light and fluffy family-friendly entertainment where nobody ever dies in the swordfights, and where the plotlines are only a step above pantomime in their tone.  "Turpin is dressed up as a lady and the bad guy is flirting with him!  Such japes!".  I mean, I remember loving this show as a kid, but I would have been 8 when these episodes aired, and my tastes were frankly not very sophisticated at that age.

Those of you with exceptional memories, or who are browsing the archives some time in the future, may notice that I have gone straight from reviewing season 2 to season 4, and be wondering what happened to season 3.  Basically, it's because I'm using the Wikipedia/IMDB structure of the show, which puts these episodes as a separate season because they aired after season 3, whereas the DVD set I have actually counts them as the second half of season 2, since they were produced before season 3.  So I just stuck the next disc in the player, and got these episodes as a result.  It hardly matters, since this is definitely not a show that worries about continuity to any great extent.

I'll admit I am curious to see season 3, since it's all a single storyline, rather than the standalone episodes of this and other season.  It will be interesting to see if there's a noticeable shift in the entertainment value (for either better or worse) with the change in format.

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