Thursday, 28 October 2021

Killer Mermaid (2014)


Americans Kelly and Lucy take a break from their busy lives States-side to take a holiday in the Balkans.  They're planning to use the trip to see the beautiful coastline and to catch-up with their college friend (and Kelly's former flame) Alex.

The first wrinkle in this idyllic plan is that Alex is now engaged.  This is something he hasn't told the ladies.  The second wrinkle is that the spark between Alex and Kelly clearly hasn't guttered out.  The third wrinkle ... well, it's in the title of the film.  One impromptu visit to an abandoned jail on a Mediterranean island, and the holiday-makers are fighting for their lives against a lethal aquatic menace and her equally homicidal land-based minion.

Killer Mermaid kicked off with sufficient self-awareness that I was briefly hopeful.  If you give your film a title this unsubtle then it's not a bad plan to kick it off with gratuitous nudity and a boat hook murder.

Unfortunately, after a brisk and bombastic start the film founders on shoals of tedious relationship melodrama.  Even after it finally navigates those, it can't find a way back on course.  There's no momentum to the plot and the technical limitations of the action sequences mean that even when we finally get some life and death scuffles they're not at all compelling.

Ultimately, this film fails to keep its head above water.

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