Tuesday 20 April 2021

The Flash, Season 3 (2016)

Traumatised by the violent murders of both his parents, Barry Allen uses his metahuman power of super-speed to race his way into the past and change history. But while the new reality he creates - dubbed 'Flashpoint' by his nemesis Eobard Thawne - sees both his parents survive, it proves worse for everyone else who is close to him. Guilt-ridden, Barry restores the timeline to its original state ... or something close to it, at least. There are many minor differences between the pre-Flashpoint reality and the one he returns to.  More than that - as Barry is about to discover - when you mess with time, time messes back, and even the Fastest Man Alive can't outrun the consequences.  

For the third season in a row, The Flash pits Barry and his friends up against an evil super-speedster, at least ultimately.  This makes me roll my eyes a little because it's getting rather tired as a motif, but there's at least more to the motivations of this season's nemesis than just "I wanna be the fastest that ever speeded".  Still, I really hope we're at least going to see some kind of variation from this next year.  Barry facing a dark reflection of himself has become very (very, very) played out by this point.

That complaint aside, this is a mostly pretty good season.  The cast remain solid and have good chemistry, there's plenty of humour and fun banter in the show, and for all the melodrama is laid on with a heavy trowel, I found it a lot less turgid than I did the second season.  If superhero media is something you enjoy, its worth checking out.

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