Tuesday, 25 February 2020

The Shield, Season 5 (2006)

Vic Mackey and his Strike Team have got away with a lot in their chequered careers, up to and including murder, but they are finally well and truly in the sights of Internal Affairs.  Lieutenant Jon Kavanaugh is absolutely dedicated to the task of breaking down the team, revealing their corruption, and sending them to jail.  Ironically this is all happening just at the time that Vic & Co have decided to try and stay on the straight and narrow, but that's certainly not going to matter if someone finds all the skeletons that are already in their closets.

Just in case that wasn't enough to worry about, the team (and all the other officers at their precinct) have to deal with budget cuts and a new captain whose only interest is in filling a chair until he can max out his pension.

The Shield is a show that builds on what has happened before, without labouring the point too heavily with exposition.  Characters develop and evolve over time, and what they've done stays with them and impacts their own perspectives and the opinions of those around them.  It's a solid show, and stronger in season five than it was in season one.  Definitely worth a look if you're in the market for some not exactly "white hat" cop show action.

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