Tuesday 10 December 2019

Look, Season 1 (2010)

By 2010, there were 40 million security cameras, and hundreds of millions of camcorders and mobile phone cameras, across the US.  Even when people think they are alone, and free to act how they want, there could be someone watching.

That's Look's basic pitch, as all footage in the show is nominally shot from cameras that exist "in the fiction".  I say nominally because said cameras sometimes don't really act like I expect the in fiction cameras would, but instead act like ... well, regular movie cameras.

I think I could overlook that minor flaw, though, if Look was using the concept to do something interesting, but it doesn't seem to have a lot of ideas beyond "when people think they are alone, they act like jerks" and "bosoms".  It's just kind of tawdry and tacky and filled with a cast of characters who become steadily more unpleasant the more you get to know them (and some of them start pretty unpleasant to begin with).  Only Claudia Christian seems able to lift her character's narcissism and nastiness to the point where it tips into 'entertaining', and even then it's mostly in a "waiting for her to get her comeuppance" kind of way.

I'll give it this: in the last couple of episodes the show does do a good job of finally weaving together its many seemingly unconnected storylines and setting up a whole bunch of cliffhangers about what happens next ... but it is very much a case of too little too late.

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